• Pesage industriel


Dirigeant Sevytec

I managed SAUTELMA, a French manufacturer of industrial weighing and dosing equipment, for many years. I spent most of my time visiting industrial sites, studying projects and making proposals according to specifications where needs were clearly identified, but very often, identifying needs and suggesting solutions where customers did not have the knowledge and experience to do so themselves.

I have worked with leaders as well as small companies, often without enough experience, starting in a production activity or having taken over an existing activity. So, I have a large knowledge of both, needs and solutions.

Small structures that do not have sufficient human and financial resources to carry out studies and define a technology for their activity need experienced specialists in areas that are not the core of their business such as weighing, dosing and handling of bulk materials. These domains are complex and require extensive field experience. It is precisely to these small and medium-sized companies that I can bring my expertise and real added value

You have a specific need or problem, we have the solution!
You want to improve your efficiency, we are here to help you!